Monday, November 15, 2010

On the top one I added a watermark and the bottom one I added some text.

The top is the original photo and the bottom is done using the clone tool.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I finally got them to load.  On the top one I used the dodge tool to lighten up the piece of salmon.  On the bottom one I made a transparent layer and set it at 50% gray so it appers transparent, then I painted it with either white to lighten or black to darken.  Whatever color you want to paint with you set to foreground.  I couldn't get the desired effect because I don't have a real mouse so it is very difficult because I'm not good with the touch pad.

Monday, November 8, 2010

So I took some photos of a salmon dish i make at work.  I also tried to change how it looked using a gray layer on top and painting it with white and black.  I also did one using the dodge tool .  The effect was cool I liked it but I also dont have an actual mouse and am not good with the touch pad so it was difficult. These are the originals pecan encrusted salmon.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The first images of each set of two are the oringinal photos and the second ones are altered.  On the first set I brightened the sky directly above the mountain and brightened the trees in the foreground to bring out the mountain line.  In the second set I took out the color and also played with the shadowing.