Monday, October 11, 2010

These are an example of compotsition.  Its helpfull to put unimportant objects in the back ground to put more emphasis on the main object.  Its very good when composing a picture to keep things in proportion.  I like everything nice and even.


  1. You sure do have a lot of little toys and figurines. I like the shot of this one up close. Good photos

  2. These photos are very appropriate for this time of year.

  3. I like how you put them together like that. The candles with Jack, or at least I think it is Jack. Very nicely done.

  4. These are amazing, and I agree with what you said about the background, I like the background on the zoomed image better, either way they're both great

  5. I prefer the composition of the second photo. Cropping it so that you only see the figure, flanked by the two candles makes for a 'cleaner' shot.
